Monday 24 October 2016

October 23, 2016 Announcements

 HELP NEEDED: Looking for anyone interested in learning to run EasyWorship during the service. Please contact Meaghan Noye if you are interested.

 PCH Care Packages: Prince County Hospital “Thinking of You Packages” are needed again! They are for people who enter hospital and are in need of some items. List of items needed are on the back bulletin board. Box for items provided on the floor by back table.

 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes- These are due on Sunday Nov 13. This is also the day we will be doing our annual packing party. After church we will do a simple sandwiches and sweets potluck and start packing shoeboxes. Please invite your friends to join us and we hope as many as possible can stay and help. Shoeboxes are available at the welcome center and we encourage you to fill a box or two or bring in some items to contribute to our packing party. The shipping is still $7 so remember to include that. If you prefer to donate money to either items for the boxes or shipping, please see Shelley as she is shopping for items on a regular basis. There is a list of suggested items and things not to include on the welcome center table.

 ATTENTION: Cookie Ministry....need people to sign up for November and December.

 ATTENTION: The children’s church teachers are looking for assistants/helpers each week. There is a sign up sheet on the welcome center table.

 Youth Group: Monday Grades 1-6 @ 6 -7 p.m. Grade 7-9 @ 7:15-8:15 p.m.

 Bible Study: Sunday @ 7 p.m. at Marvin Clark’s. Topic: Holy Spirit. Led by Wayne Lilly & Marvin Clark.

 Life Group: Tuesday night “Life Group”– for information contact Garth (902-432-9236) or Colleen (902-888-9884). Theme “Christian Essentials”

 Chicken & Ham Dinner: NEXT SUNDAY Jim, Scott and Barry will be doing a chicken & ham dinner following the service. Please bring dessert. Attendance sign-up sheet is at the back.

 Men’s Breakfast: November 5th at Star Café @ 8 a.m.

 Board Meeting: November 8th @ 7 p.m.

 Camp Work Day: November 12th. To ensure enough food for lunch is available, letting your camp rep know, or contacting the camp would be helpful.