Wednesday 6 July 2016

July 3, 2016 Announcements

 HELP NEEDED: Looking for anyone interested in learning to run EasyWorship during the service. Please contact Meaghan Noye if you are interested.

 ATTENTION: Criminal Record Checks....These need to be completed by anyone working with youth in our church. Check your mailbox for a form and have this done this week, no charge as you are a volunteer.

 ATTENTON: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes....Don’t forget to be looking for sales on items that would be good to put in the shoeboxes! Summer is a great time to shop for balls, especially soccer (not inflated) and a pump to inflate, t-shirts (plain colored is best, no words), summer toys, flipflops, etc. Feel free to bring in anything you buy and drop them at the Welcome center.

 ATTENTION: Cookie Ministry....need people to sign up for August and beyond

 ATTENTION: The children’s church teachers are looking for assistants/helpers each week. There is a sign up sheet on the welcome center table.

 Life Group: Tuesday night “Life Group” will meet through the summer – for information contact Garth (902-432-9236) or Colleen (902-888-9884)

 Canoe Cove Christian Camp News: Looking for donations for wooden bunk beds that will be made by The Carpentry Department at Bluefield High School. Check the back bulletin board for summer camp dates.