Monday 14 March 2016

March 13, 2016 Announcements

 ATTENTION: Got any extra yarn you are not using????? Please contact Sandra Hippenstall.

 Attention: Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes....don’t forget to pick up things for the boxes when you see something on sale or an item that would be a good idea to add in. There are many items that are only available at certain times of the year. You can drop off your items at the welcome center and we will put them away until November. Our goal for the year is 75 boxes!

 ATTENTION: The children’s church teachers are looking for assistants/helpers each week. There has been anywhere between 7-12 kids on a regular basis and it’s a bit busy for one person. You wouldn’t have to plan or teach anything; simply help with a craft, game and just general help. There will be a sign up sheet on the welcome center table.

 Life group- Parents/grandparents/friends who have children in the elementary age youth group are welcome to stay when bringing their children. We are going to meet upstairs and have social and games time, or whatever the group would like for activities. Invite the children in your life to youth group and their parents to a social time. If you have any questions, please see Shelley Richard.

 Life Group: There will be a life group meeting Tuesday night 7pm at the church. Garth & Coleen Dawson will be leading it and if you have any questions please feel free to contact them.

 Chapel at MCC: You are invited to join us for chapel at Maritime Christian College after lunch on Wednesdays, at 1pm.

 Bible Study: Wednesday @ 7 p.m.

 St. Eleanors Lions Club - Volunteer Tax Clinic: (121 East Drive, Summerside, PE) By Appointment — Call 1-855-888-6837 Clinics are held on Thursdays from March 3rd to April 28th from 9:00pm to 9:00pm (also Tuesday, March 8th and Friday, April 29th))

 ParkHill Place: Worship Service March 22nd @ 2 p.m.

 Easter Egg Hunt for Kids: March 26 @ 1pm – 3 pm. Please check the list at the back table for items needed for the hunt.