Tuesday 3 November 2015

November 1, 2015 Annoucements

 ATTENTION: PRINCE COUNTY HOSPITAL ‘THINKING OF YOU PACKAGES ARE NEEDED AGAIN! They are for people who enter hospital and are in need of some items. List of items needed are on back table and bulletin board. Box for items provided on floor by back table.

 ATTENTION: Boxes for Operation Christmas Child are available at the welcome center or you can place items you have purchased in the box behind the back table. We are having our packing party on Sunday November 15th after church and we hope that you can all stay and join in the fun! Please be aware that there is a Canadian and US website that lists different items allowed in boxes due to custom regulations, please ensure you are on the Canadian website, or, pick up a pamphlet or the list we have done up on the welcome center table. Our goal is 70 boxes please help us reach this either by packing your own box or bringing in items for our packing party!

 Chapel at MCC: You are invited to join us for chapel at Maritime Christian College after lunch on Wednesdays, at 1pm.